

With a special interest in the turf-grass industry, Big Sandy Sand utilizes the most updated equipment in our sand processing operation. Our Eagle Dial Split Classifier allows for exact grain distribution in precise percentages to produce the right size and texture of sand as a topdressing agent, seedbed or root-zone medium. Big Sandy Sand Company endeavors to produce the highest quality product for any application.


Athletic Fields & Complexes

Golf Course Bunker Sand

Our sand is USGA specification graded silica sand for the use on golf course green construction. We ensure our product exceeds the expectations for construction or maintenance.

Volleybal Court Sand

Man-Made Beaches


Home & Garden

TopDressing Sand for Lawns

Peat Moss & Sand Blends

Sandy Loam

1” Rock & Pea Gravel

Masonry Sand


Samples can be submitted for lab testing upon request.



Commercial Applications


Our Hawkins plant has the finest quality sand available in Texas, and we’ve shipped throughout Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Big Sandy Sand Company has the capacity and ability to manufacture and meet your exact needs regardless of project size.